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c: The Major World Religion

Introduction to Islam

Islam, one of the major world religions, was promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in 7th century Arabia. The word “Islam” comes from the Arabic term meaning “surrender,” reflecting the core belief that Muslims should submit to the will of Allah (God). Allah, considered the sole creator, sustainer, and restorer of the world, communicates his will through the Qur’an, which was revealed to Muhammad, the final prophet in a long line that includes figures like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Islam presented in a table format:

Definition of IslamDerived from the Arabic word meaning “surrender, submission, commitment, and peace.” A path to attain complete peace through voluntary submission to the divine will of Allah (God).
Origins of Islam
Historical ContextEmerged in 7th century CE in Mecca, amidst tribalism and polytheism.
The Life of Prophet MuhammadMuhammad was born around 570 CE. Received first revelation in 610 CE from Jibril (Gabriel). Established a community of believers in Medina after facing persecution in Mecca.
Muslim Demographics
Global PopulationApproximately 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide.
DiversityAbout 80% are Sunnis and 20% are Shi’ites.
Geographical DistributionLargest populations in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Core BeliefsSix major beliefs:
1. Belief in One God (Allah)Affirmation that there is no deity but Allah.
2. Belief in AngelsSpiritual beings created by God.
3. Belief in Holy BooksIncludes the Torah, Bible, and Qur’an.
4. Belief in ProphetsProphets include Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
5. Belief in Day of JudgmentAccountability for deeds in the afterlife.
6. Belief in Divine DecreeGod is all-powerful, but humans have free will.
The Five Pillars of IslamFoundational acts of worship and practice:
1. ShahadahDeclaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.”
2. SalatFive daily prayers performed at specified times, facing the Ka’bah in Mecca.
3. ZakahCharitable contribution of 2.5% of wealth to help the needy.
4. SawmFasting during Ramadan from dawn to sunset.
5. HajjPilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime for those who are able.
Sacred Texts
The Qur’anThe literal word of God, emphasizing moral, ethical, and spiritual guidance.
The SunnahRecord of Muhammad’s sayings and actions, serving as a complementary source to the Qur’an.
Social and Ethical TeachingsEmphasis on community (Ummah), charity, and ethical behavior.
Historical Impact
Spread of IslamRapidly spread through conquests, trade, and missionary efforts post-Muhammad’s death.
Cultural InfluenceContributions to art, science, philosophy, and law throughout history, impacting cultures globally.
ConclusionIslam integrates spirituality with social responsibilities, promoting values of peace, compassion, and justice among its followers.

Spread of Islam

Islam emphasizes monotheism and strict adherence to religious practices, and it rapidly expanded beyond Arabia. It spread through the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, reaching over 1.5 billion adherents by the early 21st century. Although there are various sects within Islam, all Muslims share a common faith and sense of unity as part of the broader Islamic community.

The Foundations of Islam

Islam was characterized early on by the sense of brotherhood and faith, which were fostered by shared experiences of persecution in Mecca. Muhammad’s teachings developed a community-state in Medina, uniting spiritual and temporal aspects of life. This integration of religious and social order remains a defining feature of Islam, reflected in its laws, state functions, and governance.

Islamic Conquests and Expansion

The rapid success of Islam’s early generations led to the establishment of a large Muslim empire. By the 8th century, the empire stretched from Spain to Central Asia. Islam’s egalitarianism within its community helped attract converts, and its discriminatory taxation (jizyah) on non-Muslims encouraged many followers of other religions to adopt Islam.

The Role of Sufis and Traders in Spreading Islam

While jihad and conquests were key to Islam’s expansion, Sufi mystics and Muslim traders also played crucial roles. Sufis spread Islam through spiritual teachings in India, Africa, and other regions, while traders introduced the religion to Indonesia, China, and other parts of Asia.

Islamic Doctrine and Community

Islam emphasizes a moral struggle, with Satan as a constant whisperer urging selfishness, while Allah promises rewards for charity and selflessness. The Qur’an harshly criticizes hoarding wealth and encourages service to the needy. This bond of faith, centered around justice and community cooperation, fosters the idea of a brotherhood among Muslims.

FAQs About Islam

What is Islam?Islam is a monotheistic faith that emphasizes submission to the will of Allah (God) and encompasses beliefs, practices, and ethical guidelines aimed at achieving peace and moral integrity.
Who is Muhammad?Muhammad is considered the last prophet in Islam, born around 570 CE in Mecca. He received revelations from God through the angel Jibril (Gabriel) and preached the message of Islam until his death in 632 CE.
What are the main beliefs in Islam?Muslims believe in six core tenets: belief in one God (Allah), belief in angels, belief in holy books (including the Qur’an), belief in prophets, belief in the Day of Judgment, and belief in divine decree.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?The Five Pillars are essential acts of worship: Shahadah (declaration of faith), Salat (ritual prayers), Zakah (charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
What is the Qur’an?The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the literal word of God revealed to Muhammad. It serves as the primary source of guidance for Muslims in matters of faith, morality, and law.
How do Muslims pray?Muslims pray five times a day facing the Ka’bah in Mecca. Prayers involve specific physical postures and recitations in Arabic, including verses from the Qur’an.
What is Ramadan?Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, during which Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. Fasting promotes self-discipline, empathy for the poor, and spiritual reflection.
What is the significance of Hajj?Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca, mandatory for all Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform it at least once in their lifetime. It symbolizes unity, humility, and submission to Allah.
Are all Muslims Arabs?No, only about 18% of Muslims are Arabs. Islam is a global religion with significant populations in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and many other countries.
What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite?The main difference lies in leadership after Muhammad’s death. Sunnis believe the community should select leaders (caliphs), while Shi’ites believe leadership should remain within Muhammad’s family (specifically his cousin Ali and his descendants).
How do Muslims view other religions?Muslims believe in the prophets and scriptures of Judaism and Christianity, viewing them as “People of the Book.” While they recognize these faiths, they believe that Islam is the final and complete revelation of God’s message.
What role does charity play in Islam?Charity (Zakah) is a fundamental pillar of Islam, requiring Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to help the needy. Acts of charity are highly encouraged and considered a means of purifying wealth and supporting the community.
What happens after death according to Islam?Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, when individuals will be held accountable for their actions in life. The righteous will be rewarded with eternal paradise, while those who have done wrong may face punishment.

The Pillars of Islam

Five essential practices serve as the pillars of Islam:

  1. Shahadah (Profession of Faith): Declaring belief in the oneness of God and Muhammad as His messenger.
  2. Salah (Prayer): Muslims are required to pray five times daily.
  3. Zakat (Charity): A compulsory payment to help those in need, purifying one’s wealth.
  4. Sawm (Fasting): Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
  5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): Muslims are required to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca if physically and financially able.

Islam spread rapidly across the Middle East and beyond, with today’s Muslim population exceeding 1.2 billion globally. It is divided mainly into Sunnis (80%) and Shi’ites (20%), with differences largely based on who was considered the rightful successor to Muhammad.

The Qur’an, in its original Arabic, is the ultimate revealed scripture, and the Sunnah—records of Muhammad’s sayings and actions—helps Muslims interpret and practice the teachings of the Qur’an in daily life.

Islam is a monotheistic faith that centers on submission to one God, Allah, with the goal of attaining peace. It began in the 7th century CE, when Muhammad, regarded by Muslims as the last prophet in a long line of messengers from God, received divine revelations. These messages form the Qur’an, Islam’s sacred text.

Core Beliefs of Islam

Muslims adhere to six major beliefs:

  1. Belief in One God (Allah): The fundamental principle of Islam, affirming that there is no deity but Allah.
  2. Belief in Angels: Spiritual beings created by God, including Gabriel, who conveyed revelations to the prophets.
  3. Belief in Holy Books: Muslims recognize the Torah (to Moses), the Bible (to Jesus), and the Qur’an (to Muhammad) as divine scriptures.
  4. Belief in Prophets: Muslims honor many prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, viewing Muhammad as the last prophet.
  5. Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe that everyone will be held accountable for their deeds in the afterlife.
  6. Belief in Divine Decree: The belief that God is all-powerful and has knowledge of all events, while humans retain free will to choose their paths.

Muslim Demographics

Sacred Texts of Islam

Social and Ethical Teachings

Islam places a strong emphasis on social justice, charity, and ethical behavior:

Historical Impact and Expansion


Islam is not just a religion but a comprehensive way of life that integrates spirituality with social responsibilities. Its teachings continue to guide millions of followers worldwide, promoting values of peace, compassion, and justice.

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