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Surah Mulk PDF & Read Online

Surah Al-Mulk is the 67th chapter of the Quran and contains 30 verses (ayat). It is located in the 29th para (Juz) of the Quran. The meaning of Surah Mulk in English is “The Sovereignty” or “Kingship.” This Surah emphasizes that Allah is the ultimate ruler and has control over everything in the universe. You can easily download the full Surah Mulk PDF online, which is published by Maktaba Tul Madinah. This allows you to read or recite Surah Mulk PDF whenever and wherever you like.Before starting to read recite Darud sharif.

Surah Al-Mulk Overview

Surah Number: 67
Total Verses (Ayat): 30
Para (Juz): 29
Meaning: “The Sovereignty” or “Kingship”

Surah Mulk Pdf

If you want to recite or read it offline, you can download the Surah Mulk PDF easily. By saving it to your device, you can access it anytime for regular recitation, which is recommended for its numerous benefits.

Surah Mulk Audio

Surah Mulk Read Online

Key Themes

Importance and Benefits

Hadith Reference:
The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said, “Indeed, there is a Surah in the Quran with 30 verses that intercedes for a person until they are forgiven. It is Surah Tabarak Alladhi Biyadihil-Mulk.” (Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi)

Verses and Simple English Explanation (67:1-30)

  1. Blessed is He who holds all control and has power over everything.
  2. He created death and life to test who does best in deeds; He is Almighty and Forgiving.
  3. He created the seven heavens without any flaw; look again if you can find any fault.

…and so forth until the last verse:

  1. Say, “If your water sinks into the earth, who will bring you fresh flowing water?”

This Surah encourages reflection on Allah’s creation and reminds us of the accountability in the afterlife.

Surah Mulk in English

Here is the passage from Surah Al-Mulk (67:1-30) in simple English, keeping the meaning intact:

  1. Blessed is He in whose hand is control, and He has power over everything.
  2. He created death and life to test you as to who does the best deeds; and He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.
  3. He created the seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any flaws in the creation of the Most Merciful. Look again; do you see any cracks?
  4. Then look again, twice. Your vision will return to you humbled and exhausted.
  5. And We have adorned the nearest heaven with stars and made them as missiles to drive away the devils, and We have prepared for them the punishment of the blazing Fire.
  6. And for those who disbelieve in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, and what an awful destination it is!
  7. When they are thrown into it, they will hear its roaring as it boils over.
  8. It almost bursts with fury. Every time a group is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them, “Did no warner come to you?”
  9. They will say, “Yes, a warner did come to us, but we denied and said, ‘Allah has not sent down anything; you are only in great error.'”
  10. And they will say, “If only we had listened or understood, we would not be among the people of the Blaze.”
  11. So they will admit their sin, but they are far from mercy, among the companions of the Blaze.
  12. Indeed, those who fear their Lord without seeing Him will have forgiveness and a great reward.
  13. Whether you conceal your words or speak them openly, He knows what is in your hearts.
  14. Does He who created not know? He is the Subtle, the All-Aware.
  15. It is He who made the earth manageable for you, so walk in its paths and eat from His provision. To Him is the return after death.
  16. Do you feel secure that He who is in heaven will not cause the earth to swallow you, making it shake?
  17. Or do you feel secure that He who is in heaven will not send upon you a storm of stones? Then you would know how My warning is.
  18. And indeed, those before them denied, and how terrible was My punishment.
  19. Do they not see the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding them? No one holds them up except the Most Merciful. He sees all things.
  20. Who is it that can help you other than the Most Merciful? The disbelievers are in nothing but deception.
  21. Or who can provide for you if He withholds His provision? Yet they persist in arrogance and aversion.
  22. Is one who walks with his face bent down more guided than one who walks upright on a straight path?
  23. Say, “It is He who created you and gave you hearing, sight, and hearts, but little thanks do you give.”
  24. Say, “It is He who multiplied you throughout the earth, and to Him you will be gathered.”
  25. And they ask, “When will this promise come, if you are truthful?”
  26. Say, “The knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner.”
  27. But when they see it coming near, the faces of those who disbelieve will be distressed, and it will be said, “This is what you used to call for.”
  28. Say, “Have you considered: whether Allah destroys me and those with me or has mercy on us, who will save the disbelievers from a painful punishment?”
  29. Say, “He is the Most Merciful; we have believed in Him, and upon Him we rely. Soon you will know who is in clear error.”
  30. Say, “What if your water becomes dry and sinks into the earth? Who will bring you flowing water?”

Surah Mulk in Hindi

सूरह अल-मुल्क – हिंदी :

  1. वह (खुदा) जिसके क़ब्ज़े में सारे जहाँन की बादशाहत है, वह बड़ी बरकत वाला है और वह हर चीज़ पर क़ादिर (सर्वशक्तिमान) है।
  2. जिसने मौत और ज़िन्दगी को पैदा किया ताकि तुम्हें आज़माए कि तुममें से कौन अच्छा काम करता है। और वह (खुदा) ग़ालिब (महा शक्तिशाली) और बड़ा बख्शने वाला है।
  3. जिसने सात आसमान तले ऊपर बनाए। क्या तुझे खुदा की सृष्टि में कोई कमी नज़र आती है? फिर नज़र उठाकर देख, क्या तुझे कोई खोट दिखाई देती है?
  4. फिर दोबारा नज़र उठाकर देखो, हर बार तेरी नज़र नाकाम और थक कर तेरी तरफ पलट आएगी।
  5. और हमने नीचे वाले आसमान को तारों के चिराग़ों से सजाया और उन्हें शैतानों के मारने का साधन बनाया। और हमने उनके लिए जलने वाली आग का अज़ाब (सज़ा) तैयार कर रखा है।
  6. और जो लोग अपने परवरदिगार का इनकार करते हैं, उनके लिए जहन्नुम (नर्क) का अज़ाब है, और वह बहुत बुरा ठिकाना है।
  7. जब ये लोग इसमें डाले जाएँगे, तो उसकी बड़ी चीख़ सुनेंगे और वह उबल रही होगी।
  8. वह अपने ग़ुस्से से जैसे फट पड़ेगी। जब भी उसमें कोई गिरोह डाला जाएगा, तो उनसे जहन्नुम के फ़रिश्ते पूछेंगे, “क्या तुम्हारे पास कोई डराने वाला पैग़म्बर नहीं आया था?”
  9. वे कहेंगे, “हाँ, हमारे पास डराने वाला आया था, मगर हमने उसे झुठलाया और कहा कि खुदा ने कुछ नहीं उतारा। तुम तो गहरी गुमराही में हो।”
  10. और वे कहेंगे, “अगर हम उनकी बात सुनते या समझते, तो आज हम दोज़ख़ (नर्क) वालों में से न होते।”
  11. इसलिए वे अपने गुनाह का इक़रार कर लेंगे। तो दोज़ख़ वालों को खुदा की रहमत से दूरी है।
  12. जो लोग अपने परवरदिगार से बिन देखे डरते हैं, उनके लिए माफी और बड़ा भारी इनाम है।
  13. तुम अपनी बात छिपकर कहो या खुल्लम-खुल्ला, वह (खुदा) दिल के भेदों तक से वाक़िफ़ है।
  14. भला जिसने पैदा किया, वह बेखबर है? वह बड़ा बारीक देखने वाला और हर बात से वाक़िफ़ है।
  15. वही (खुदा) है जिसने तुम्हारे लिए ज़मीन को नरम (हमवार) किया, तो उसके चारों ओर चलो और उसकी दी हुई रोज़ी खाओ। और फिर उसी की तरफ़ लौट कर जाना है।
  16. क्या तुम उस से निश्चिंत हो, जो आसमान में है, कि वह तुम्हें ज़मीन में धंसा दे और एक बारगी सब उलट-पलट हो जाए?
  17. या तुम इस बात से बेखौफ हो कि आसमान में जो हुकूमत करता है, वह तुम पर पत्थर भरी आंधी भेजेगा? तब तुम जान लोगे कि मेरा डराना कैसा है।
  18. और जो लोग उनसे पहले थे, उन्होंने भी झुठलाया था, तो देखो मेरी नाराज़गी कैसी थी।
  19. क्या उन्होंने अपने सिरों पर चिड़ियों को उड़ते हुए नहीं देखा, जो परों को फैलाए रहती हैं और समेट लेती हैं? उन्हें सिर्फ खुदा ही रोके रखता है। बेशक, वह हर चीज़ को देखता है।
  20. भला खुदा के सिवा ऐसा कौन है जो तुम्हारी मदद के लिए सेना बनकर आए? काफिर लोग तो धोखे में हैं।
  21. अगर खुदा तुम्हारी रोज़ी रोक ले, तो कौन है जो तुम्हें रोज़ी दे? लेकिन ये काफ़िर लोग तो हठधर्मी और नफ़रत में पड़े हुए हैं।
  22. क्या वह व्यक्ति जो औंधे मुँह चला हो, वह ज्यादा हिदायत याफ़्ता होगा, या वह जो सीधा और सही रास्ते पर चल रहा हो?
  23. (ऐ रसूल) कह दो, “वही खुदा है जिसने तुम्हें पैदा किया और तुम्हारे लिए सुनने, देखने और दिल की शक्तियाँ दीं, लेकिन तुम बहुत कम शुक्र (धन्यवाद) अदा करते हो।”
  24. कह दो, “वही (खुदा) है जिसने तुम्हें ज़मीन में फैला दिया और फिर उसी के सामने इकट्ठे किए जाओगे।”
  25. और काफ़िर कहते हैं, “अगर तुम सच्चे हो, तो ये वायदा कब पूरा होगा?”
  26. (ऐ रसूल) कह दो, “इसका इल्म (ज्ञान) तो सिर्फ खुदा के पास है, और मैं तो केवल साफ़-साफ़ (अज़ाब से) डराने वाला हूँ।”
  27. जब ये लोग उसे करीब से देख लेंगे, तो काफिरों के चेहरे बिगड़ जाएंगे और उनसे कहा जाएगा, “यह वही है जिसके तुम इंतजार में थे।”
  28. (ऐ रसूल) कह दो, “अगर खुदा मुझको और मेरे साथियों को हलाक कर दे या हम पर रहम फरमाए, तो काफिरों को दर्दनाक अज़ाब से कौन बचा सकता है?”
  29. कह दो, “वही (खुदा) रहम करने वाला है, जिस पर हम ईमान लाए हैं और हमने उसी पर भरोसा किया है। जल्दी ही तुम्हें मालूम हो जाएगा कि कौन सरीही गुमराही में है।”
  30. कह दो, “अगर तुम्हारा पानी ज़मीन के नीचे चला जाए, तो कौन ऐसा है जो तुम्हारे लिए साफ़ पानी का चश्मा बहा लाएगा?”
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Q & A on Surah Mulk

What is Surah Al-Mulk About?

Revealed in Mecca, Surah Al-Mulk highlights the greatness and power of Allah. It serves as a reminder that no one can force their will on others, and Allah alone has absolute authority. The surah also warns about the destruction of sinful people and unbelievers, urging everyone to reflect on Allah’s sovereignty.

The Meaning of “Al-Mulk”

The word Al-Mulk translates to “Kingship” or “Sovereignty.” This Surah primarily discusses Allah’s supreme power and control over the universe, reinforcing that He alone holds authority over all things.

Hadith on Surah Al-Mulk

The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said:
“Indeed, there is a Surah in the Quran with 30 verses that intercedes for a person until they are forgiven. It is Surah Tabarak Alladhi Biyadihil-Mulk.” (Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi)
This Hadith shows the incredible importance of reciting Surah Mulk regularly.

Benefits of Reciting and Listening to Surah Al-Mulk

Quick Facts About Surah Al-Mulk

What is Surah Mulk?

Surah Mulk is the 67th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 30 verses. It emphasizes the sovereignty of Allah over the universe and the importance of reflecting on His creation. Known for its protective benefits, it’s often recited before sleeping to safeguard from the punishment of the grave.

Surah Mulk PDF Downloads
For those looking to access Surah Mulk PDF, it’s available across various online platforms. You can find the full Surah Mulk text or PDFs with translations in English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, and other languages for convenient reading.

Surah Mulk in English
Non-Arabic speakers can read Surah Mulk in English for better understanding. English translations capture the essence of this powerful chapter, allowing readers to reflect on Allah’s power and creation.

Mulk Surah Explained
The Mulk Surah stresses the importance of believing in Allah’s authority over everything. It’s a reminder to humans about the reality of life, death, and the afterlife, urging people to live righteously.

Surah Mulk in Hindi
For Hindi speakers, Surah Mulk in Hindi translations are readily available. This allows more people to understand its spiritual significance and incorporate it into their daily routine.

Surah Al Mulk
Also known as Surah Al Mulk, this chapter is sometimes referred to by its alternate title. Whether you call it Surah Mulk or Al Mulk, it carries the same profound message about faith and reflection.

Surah Mulk Full Text
For those who prefer reading the entire chapter, the Surah Mulk full text is accessible in various formats. You can find the full Arabic script online or download it in PDF for offline reading.

Surah Mulk Read Online
Many websites offer Surah Mulk read online options. These platforms allow you to access the surah in different languages, including Arabic, English, Hindi, and Roman English, with just a few clicks.

Surah Mulk in Roman English
If you’re unfamiliar with Arabic script, you can read Surah Mulk in Roman English. This transliteration helps non-Arabic speakers recite the surah correctly without learning Arabic.

How to Read Surah Mulk
You can read Surah Mulk daily, especially before sleeping. Many believe that its recitation brings protection in the grave and countless rewards in this life and the Hereafter.

Surah Mulk Translation in English
Surah Mulk translation helps readers understand the meanings of the verses. By reading the English translation, one can reflect on the verses’ meanings and apply the lessons in daily life.

Surah Mulk in Bangla
Surah Mulk is also available in Bangla (Bengali) translation for those who are native speakers. This enables a wider audience to understand the deep messages of the chapter.

Surah Mulk in Which Para?
Surah Mulk is located in the 29th para (Juz) of the Quran. Knowing this makes it easier to locate when reading from the Quran.

Surah Mulk with Urdu Translation
For Urdu speakers, reading Surah Mulk with Urdu translation provides a deep understanding of its message, allowing you to reflect on its meanings and apply them in your daily life.

Surah Mulk Full PDF
Surah Mulk full PDF is widely available online. Whether you want to read it in Arabic or with translations, you can download it in different languages for convenience.

Surah Mulk Hindi Mein
Surah Mulk Hindi mein translations are available for Hindi-speaking individuals. This allows them to understand the powerful message conveyed in the surah.

Surah E Mulk
Surah e Mulk, another name for this chapter, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims who recite it regularly. It’s one of the most recited surahs for its spiritual benefits.

Surah Mulk Benefits
The benefits of reciting Surah Mulk are immense. It is said to offer protection in the grave, prevent punishment, and serve as a source of intercession on the Day of Judgment.

Surah Mulk Ki Tilawat
Reciting Surah Mulk ki tilawat daily is highly encouraged. It is a surah that offers spiritual protection and brings peace to the heart.

Surah Mulk Full Image
Some websites offer Surah Mulk full image files for easy viewing. These images display the entire surah in a clear, readable format, often including translations.

Surah Mulk Slideshare
For those who prefer presentations, Surah Mulk on Slideshare provides a visual format where you can access and share the surah with others.

Surah Al Mulk in English
Reading Surah Al Mulk in English allows non-Arabic speakers to understand the messages of the chapter and reflect on its teachings.

Surah Al Mulk PDF
You can easily find Surah Al Mulk PDF versions online, making it accessible for those who want to download and read it on the go.

Surah Mulk in Bengali
Bengali speakers can access Surah Mulk in Bengali to understand its meaning and importance, fostering a deeper connection to the Quran.

Surah Mulk Audio
Listening to Surah Mulk audio recitations is a great way to engage with the surah. Various qaris have beautifully recited it, and audio versions are available for download or streaming.

Surah Mulk eQuranInstitute
Websites like eQuranInstitute provide comprehensive resources for reading and understanding Surah Mulk with translations and explanations.

Surah Mulk Meri Web
Surah Mulk is also accessible on websites like Meri Web, offering full text and translations in multiple languages.

Surah Mulk Tilawat
The tilawat (recitation) of Surah Mulk holds immense spiritual significance, as its recitation is recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for protection and blessings.

Surah Al Mulk English Translation
For deeper understanding, the Surah Al Mulk English translation helps non-Arabic speakers grasp its spiritual lessons and divine message.

Surah Mulk Ki Fazilat
The fazilat (virtues) of Surah Mulk are vast. It is said to protect from punishment in the grave and intercede for the one who recites it regularly.

Surah Mulk MP3 Download
For convenient listening, Surah Mulk MP3 download options are available. You can find recitations from well-known qaris like Mishary and Sudais.

Surah Mulk Online
If you prefer to access Surah Mulk online, many websites provide the surah in various formats, along with translations in different languages.

Surah Al Mulk Full Text
You can read the Surah Al Mulk full text in Arabic or with translations in languages like English and Urdu for a more comprehensive understanding.

Surah Mulk Arabic Text
Reading the Surah Mulk Arabic text is encouraged for those familiar with the Arabic language, as it preserves the original meaning and power of the surah.

Surah Mulk Full Download
Download Surah Mulk full in PDF or MP3 format to have it accessible anytime on your mobile or tablet for regular recitation.

Surah Mulk English PDF Download
For those seeking both understanding and ease of access, the Surah Mulk in English PDF download provides the text and translation in a single document.

Surah Mulk Tarjuma
The tarjuma (translation) of Surah Mulk is available in many languages, including Urdu, Hindi, and English, so more people can comprehend its powerful messages.

Surah Mulk Tarjuma Ke Sath
To understand the surah’s meaning better, you can read Surah Mulk tarjuma ke sath (with translation), allowing you to reflect deeply on its verses.

Surah Mulk Video
Many platforms offer Surah Mulk videos, where you can watch the recitation along with translations and tafsir (explanations).

Surah Mulk DawateIslami
The DawateIslami website provides resources like Surah Mulk with Urdu translation and recitation guides, making it easier to access.

Surah Mulk in Hindi PDF
For Hindi speakers, the Surah Mulk in Hindi PDF offers the text and translation in a convenient format for download and reading.

Surah Mulk PDF in English
Surah Mulk PDF in English is available for free download on various Islamic websites, allowing for easy access to both the Arabic text and its translation.

Surah Mulk Quran 411
Quran411 is another great resource for reading Surah Mulk online. They offer a comprehensive platform with multiple translations.

Surah Mulk with Urdu
Surah Mulk with Urdu translation is accessible on various platforms for those who prefer to read it in their native language.

Surah Mulk Download Options
Multiple Surah Mulk download options are available, from PDFs to MP3 files, allowing you to access the chapter in various formats.

Surah Mulk Image Files
You can also download Surah Mulk images that show the entire text in a clear and readable format for easy recitation.

Surah Mulk Kaun Se Pare Mein Hai?
Surah Mulk kaun se pare mein hai? It is located in the 29th para of the Quran, making it easy to locate during your reading.

Surah Mulk Kis Pare Mein Hai?
Similarly, if you’re wondering Surah Mulk kis pare mein hai, it is in the 29th para (Juz) of the Quran, one of the last sections.

Surah Mulk Lyrics
Some people refer to the text of the surah as Surah Mulk lyrics, especially when seeking to understand or memorize the verses.

Surah Mulk Meaning
The meaning of Surah Mulk revolves around recognizing Allah’s supreme power, reflecting on His creation, and understanding the consequences of disbelief and arrogance.

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Surah Mulk, also known as Surah Al-Mulk, is the 67th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 30 verses (ayat). This Surah emphasizes the greatness of Allah, the significance of creation, and the importance of faith and obedience. It is often recited for protection from the punishment of the grave and to strengthen one’s faith.

Key Themes of Surah Mulk

  1. The Majesty of Allah: The Surah begins by proclaiming the greatness of Allah, who created the heavens and the earth and everything within them.
  2. Reflection on Creation: It invites readers to contemplate the universe, urging them to observe and reflect on the signs of Allah in creation.
  3. The Consequences of Disbelief: Surah Mulk warns of the consequences faced by those who deny faith and emphasizes the importance of following the path of righteousness.
  4. Assurance of Protection: The Surah offers comfort and reassurance to believers, stating that they will be protected from the torments of Hell.

Notable Verses

Some of the notable verses from Surah Mulk include:

Key Facts Recap

Resources for Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk in English

For those interested in reading Surah Mulk in English, there are various translations available. These translations can help non-Arabic speakers understand the meanings and teachings of this Surah.

Surah Mulk in Roman English

Surah Mulk is also available in Roman English for those who prefer to read it in a phonetic format. This version is especially useful for those who may not be fluent in Arabic script but still wish to recite or study the Surah.

PDF Downloads

Several resources are available for downloading Surah Mulk in PDF format, including:

Online Resources

Many websites and apps provide access to Surah Mulk, offering features such as:


Surah Mulk holds significant importance in the lives of Muslims, offering guidance, reassurance, and a reminder of Allah’s majesty. Whether you choose to read it in Arabic, English, or Roman English, having access to various formats—including PDFs—can enhance your understanding and appreciation of this profound chapter.

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