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Ayat e Karima: In English, Hindi, Arabic with Meaning & Top 10 Powerful Benefits

Ayat e Karima

Ayat e Karima in Arabic: لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ

Ayat e Karima Roman English : La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin.

Ayat e Karima English Translation: “There is no god but You, glory be to You, indeed I have been among the wrongdoers.”

Ayat e Karima in Hindi :

ला इलाहा इल्ला अंत सुब्हानक इन्नी कुंतू मिन-ज़्ज़ालिमीन।

This powerful verse is from Surah Anbiya (21:87) and is recited for seeking forgiveness and help from Allah in times of distress.

Ayat e Karima Benefits and Significance

Ayat e Karima is a very important verse in the Holy Quran. It was recited by Prophet Yunus (AS) when he was trapped inside the stomach of a whale. When he recited these words, Allah showed His mercy and saved him. This verse holds many blessings and has great power.

Many Muslims around the world recite Ayat e Karima daily. It helps with various life problems, both material and spiritual. Whether someone is facing difficulties or seeking spiritual growth, Ayat e Karima is known to bring relief and peace.

Ayat e Karima is a powerful verse from the Holy Quran, recited by Prophet Yunus (AS) when he was in the belly of a fish. This verse holds great spiritual significance and is often recited by people facing various difficulties. Let’s explore its benefits, where it’s found in the Quran, and how to perform its recitation.

10 Benefits of Ayat e Karima

Reciting Ayat e Karima is highly beneficial because of its deep meaning and virtue. Many Muslims incorporate it into their daily prayers to overcome difficulties and seek blessings. Here are some key benefits of reciting Ayat e Karima:

1. Strengthening Tauheed (Oneness of Allah)

Tauheed is the core of Islamic belief, emphasizing the oneness of Allah. Every prophet was sent to spread this message, and Ayat e Karima reinforces this belief. The first part of the verse, “La Ilaha Illallah” (There is no God but You), reminds us that Allah is the only one worthy of worship. Believing and practicing Tauheed strengthens our faith and protects us from associating partners with Allah, ensuring a place in Paradise.

2. Glorifying Allah Almighty

The phrase “Anta Subhanaka” in Ayat e Karima translates to “Glory be to You.” This part emphasizes glorifying Allah above all else. When we seek help from Allah, we acknowledge that all power and majesty belong solely to Him. By recognizing Allah’s glory, we express our complete submission to His will.

3. Seeking Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness

The last part of the verse, “Inni kuntu minaz-zalimin” (Indeed, I am among the wrongdoers), is a humble confession of our sins and shortcomings. It teaches us to recognize our mistakes and ask Allah for mercy. By admitting our faults, we become more sincere in seeking forgiveness, increasing the chances that Allah will accept our prayers.

4. Forgiveness for Sins

Ayat e Karima is one of the strongest means of seeking forgiveness from Allah for various sins, including serious ones like theft, disobedience to parents, or even Zina (adultery). No matter how significant the sin, reciting Ayat e Karima with sincere repentance can lead to Allah’s forgiveness.

5. Solving Life’s Problems

Prophet Yunus (AS) was saved from the belly of the whale after reciting Ayat e Karima, demonstrating the verse’s immense power in solving difficulties. Whether one is facing personal or professional challenges, this prayer can help seek Allah’s guidance and find solutions.

6. Curing Serious Diseases

Regular recitation of Ayat e Karima has been said to help cure life-threatening illnesses such as heart problems, cancer, diabetes, and even mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. By turning to Allah through this powerful verse, individuals can seek relief from physical and psychological struggles.

7. Self-Improvement and Spiritual Protection

Reciting Ayat e Karima daily can help improve one’s character and strengthen personality traits like confidence, bravery, and decision-making skills. It also offers protection from evil forces, such as the evil eye and black magic. Consistent recitation helps to build resilience against these harmful spiritual influences.

8. Financial Stability and Success

If someone is facing financial challenges, reciting Ayat e Karima can help resolve those issues. It increases one’s Rizq (sustenance) and brings blessings to their financial life. With strong belief, this prayer can lead to job opportunities, promotions, and overall financial stability.

9. Building Consistency in Worship

It’s important to remember that miracles don’t happen overnight. To receive the full benefits of Ayat e Karima, one must be consistent in its recitation. Practicing it regularly will bring long-term success, both in this life and the next.

Many people start a dua (prayer) or wazifa (supplication) but give up after a few days when they don’t see immediate results. This can create a pattern of disappointment, allowing negative thoughts to take over. To avoid this, it’s important to remain patient and trust in Allah’s timing.

10. Overcoming Spiritual Doubts

Satan often tries to distract people from their prayers, especially when they seek immediate results. Reciting Ayat e Karima with patience and faith can help ward off these distractions and doubts, keeping one firm in their faith and devotion.


Which Para is Ayat e Karima in?

Ayat e Karima is found in the 17th para of the Quran, within the surah Iqtarabali’n-nāsi.

Which Surah is Ayat e Karima in?

The verse is from Surah Anbiya, which is Surah number 21. It’s the 87th verse of this surah.

How to Get Maximum Benefits from Ayat e Karima ?

Ayat e Karima has several powerful benefits for those who recite it regularly. To truly experience the benefits of Ayat e Karima, it’s not enough to recite it once or twice. Instead, it’s important to make it a consistent part of daily prayers. Here are a few steps to get the most out of this powerful prayer.

How Many Times Should You Recite Ayat e Karima?

It’s recommended to recite Ayat e Karima either 100 times or 313 times for its full benefits. Some also choose to recite it in larger gatherings.

What is Ayat e Karima Ka Khatam?

In some cases, people come together to recite Ayat e Karima 125,000 times as part of a spiritual practice called Ayat e Karima Ka Khatam. This is often done collectively to seek blessings or relief from a major problem.

How to Perform Ayat e Karima Wazifa?

Performing Ayat e Karima Wazifa can be done in a simple and effective way:

  1. Start with Ablution (Wudu): Make sure you are in a state of cleanliness before starting the recitation.
  2. Find a Calm Place: Sit in a peaceful environment to stay focused during the recitation.
  3. Recite Durood e Ibrahim: Begin by reciting Durood e Ibrahim 11 times.
  4. Recite Ayat e Karima: Now, recite Ayat e Karima either 100 times, 313 times, or as much as 125,000 times depending on your situation.
  5. Make Dua: After completing the recitation, make a heartfelt dua (prayer) to Allah, asking for help with your specific problem.
  6. End with Durood e Ibrahim: Finally, recite Durood e Ibrahim 11 times again.

By performing this Wazifa with sincerity and faith, many people have reported finding relief from their challenges.

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Ayat e Karima is not just a verse but a powerful prayer that has helped countless people throughout history. Whether you are facing challenges in health, relationships, or any aspect of life, turning to this verse and reciting it with faith can bring immense spiritual benefits.

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