Rahmatun Lil’alameen lyrics with meaning

Verse 1

  • Yaa man sallayta bikullil-anbiya
    (O You who were sent with blessings for all the prophets)
  • Yaa man fii qalbika rahmatul lin-naas
    (O You in whose heart is mercy for all people)
  • Yaa man allafta quluuban bil-islam
    (O You who united hearts through Islam)
  • Yaa habiibii ya syafii’ii ya Rasuulallah
    (O my Beloved, O my Intercessor, O Messenger of Allah)

This verse highlights the Prophet’s role as a unifier and a source of mercy for all of humanity.


  • Bi ummii wa abii
    (By my mother and father)
  • Fadaytuka sayyidii
    (I would sacrifice myself for you, my Master)
  • Salaatun wa salaam
    (Blessings and peace)
  • ‘Alayka ya nabii
    (Be upon you, O Prophet)

This section expresses deep devotion and willingness to sacrifice for the Prophet (peace be upon him).


  • Habiibii yaa Muhammad
    (My Beloved, O Muhammad)
  • Atayta bissalaami wal-huda Muhammad
    (You came with peace and guidance, O Muhammad)
  • Habiibii yaa, yaa Muhammad
    (My Beloved, O Muhammad)
  • Yaa rahmatan lil ‘aalamiina ya Muhammad
    (O Mercy to the Worlds, O Muhammad)

The chorus reiterates the Prophet’s role as a bringer of peace, guidance, and mercy to all creation.

Verse 2

  • Yaa man hallayta hayaatana bil-iimaan
    (O You who adorned our lives with faith)
  • Yaa man bi-jamaalika ‘allamtal-ihsaan
    (O You who taught us beauty through your excellence)
  • Yaa man nawwarta quluubana bil-Qur’aan
    (O You who illuminated our hearts with the Quran)
  • Ya habiibii yaa syafii’ii ya Rasuulallah
    (O my Beloved, O my Intercessor, O Messenger of Allah)

This verse emphasizes how the Prophet enriched lives with faith, beauty, and the light of the Quran.


  • Sallallahu ‘alaa
    (May Allah send blessings upon)
  • Khatamil-anbiyaa
    (The Seal of the Prophets)

A simple yet powerful prayer for blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him).


  • Muhammad… Muhammad…
    (Repeated with reverence)
  • Rahmatun lil ‘aalamiin
    (Mercy to the Worlds)

The bridge is a rhythmic and meditative repetition of the Prophet’s name and his title as “Mercy to the Worlds.”

Final Chorus

The chorus is repeated, reinforcing the central theme of the nasheed: the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a source of peace, guidance, and mercy.

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