The 99 Names of Allah are a source of great spiritual benefits. The 99 Names of Allah, Each name reflects a unique attribute of Allah, offering insight into His divine qualities. Muslims believe that invoking these names brings them closer to their Creator and helps them in their daily lives.
99 Names of Allah in Arabic, Hindi, and English with meanings
S.No | Arabic Name | Hindi Name | English Name | Meaning |
1 | الرَّحْمَنُ (Ar-Rahman) | रहमान (Rahman) | The Beneficent | The Most Compassionate |
2 | الرَّحِيمُ (Ar-Raheem) | रहीम (Raheem) | The Merciful | The Most Merciful |
3 | المَلِكُ (Al-Malik) | मालिक (Malik) | The King | The Sovereign |
4 | القُدُّوسُ (Al-Quddus) | पवित्र (Pavitra) | The Holy | The Most Sacred |
5 | السَّلَامُ (As-Salam) | सलाम (Salaam) | The Source of Peace | The Peace and Blessing |
6 | المُؤْمِنُ (Al-Mu’min) | रक्षक (Rakshak) | The Guardian of Faith | The Giver of Faith |
7 | المُهَيْمِنُ (Al-Muhaymin) | निगहबान (Nigahban) | The Protector | The Protector |
8 | العَزِيزُ (Al-Aziz) | अज़ीज़ (Aziz) | The Almighty | The Almighty, The Victorious |
9 | الجَبَّارُ (Al-Jabbar) | ज़बरदस्त (Zabardast) | The Compeller | The Irresistible |
10 | المُتَكَبِّرُ (Al-Mutakabbir) | श्रेष्ठ (Shreshth) | The Majestic | The Supreme, The Great |
11 | الخَالِقُ (Al-Khaliq) | ख़ालिक (Khalik) | The Creator | The Creator, The Maker |
12 | البَارِئُ (Al-Bari) | बेपरवाह (Beparwah) | The Evolver | The Evolver, The Fashioner |
13 | المُصَوِّرُ (Al-Musawwir) | चित्रकार (Chitrakar) | The Fashioner | The Bestower of Forms |
14 | الغَفَّارُ (Al-Ghaffar) | माफ़ करने वाला (Maaf Karne Wala) | The Forgiving | The Great Forgiver |
15 | القَهَّارُ (Al-Qahhar) | क़हर करने वाला (Qahar Karne Wala) | The Subduer | The All-Prevailing |
16 | الوَهَّابُ (Al-Wahhab) | दाता (Daata) | The Bestower | The Giver of Gifts |
17 | الرَّزَّاقُ (Ar-Razzaq) | रोज़ी देने वाला (Rozi Dene Wala) | The Provider | The Sustainer |
18 | الفَتَّاحُ (Al-Fattah) | विजेता (Vijeta) | The Opener | The Opener, The Judge |
19 | العَلِيمُ (Al-‘Alim) | सर्वज्ञ (Sarvagya) | The All-Knowing | The Omniscient |
20 | القَابِضُ (Al-Qabid) | संकुचित करने वाला (Sankuchit Karne Wala) | The Withholder | The Constrictor |
21 | البَاسِطُ (Al-Basit) | फैलाने वाला (Phailane Wala) | The Expander | The Reliever, The Expander |
22 | الخَافِضُ (Al-Khafid) | नीचा करने वाला (Neecha Karne Wala) | The Abaser | The Humbler |
23 | الرَّافِعُ (Ar-Rafi) | ऊँचा करने वाला (Ooncha Karne Wala) | The Exalter | The Uplifter |
24 | المُعِزُّ (Al-Mu‘izz) | सम्मान देने वाला (Samman Dene Wala) | The Honourer | The Bestower of Honour |
25 | المُذِلُّ (Al-Mudhill) | अपमानित करने वाला (Apmanit Karne Wala) | The Dishonourer | The Giver of Dishonour |
26 | السَّمِيعُ (As-Sami’) | सुनने वाला (Sunne Wala) | The All-Hearing | The Hearer of All |
27 | البَصِيرُ (Al-Basir) | देखने वाला (Dekhne Wala) | The All-Seeing | The Seer of All |
28 | الحَكَمُ (Al-Hakam) | न्यायाधीश (Nyayadhish) | The Judge | The Impartial Judge |
29 | العَدْلُ (Al-‘Adl) | न्यायकारी (Nyayakari) | The Just | The Utterly Just |
30 | اللَّطِيفُ (Al-Latif) | दयालु (Dayalu) | The Subtle One | The Gentle, The Most Subtle |
31 | الخَبِيرُ (Al-Khabir) | जानकार (Janakar) | The All-Aware | The All-Aware |
32 | الحَلِيمُ (Al-Halim) | सहनशील (Sahansheel) | The Forbearing | The Most Forbearing |
33 | العَظِيمُ (Al-‘Azim) | महान (Mahan) | The Magnificent | The Great, The Infinite |
34 | الغَفُورُ (Al-Ghafur) | क्षमाशील (Kshamashil) | The Forgiver | The All-Forgiving |
35 | الشَّكُورُ (Ash-Shakur) | आभारी (Aabhari) | The Appreciative | The Most Grateful |
36 | العَلِيُّ (Al-‘Aliyy) | उच्चतम (Ucchatam) | The Most High | The Sublimely Exalted |
37 | الكَبِيرُ (Al-Kabir) | विशाल (Vishal) | The Most Great | The Most Great |
38 | الحَفِيظُ (Al-Hafiz) | रक्षक (Rakshak) | The Preserver | The Preserver |
39 | المُقيِت (Al-Muqit) | शक्ति देने वाला (Shakti Dene Wala) | The Sustainer | The Nourisher |
40 | الحسِيبُ (Al-Hasib) | परिपूर्ण (Paripoorn) | The Reckoner | The Bringer of Judgment |
41 | الجَلِيلُ (Al-Jalil) | महान और सम्माननीय (Mahan Aur Sammanit) | The Majestic | The Majestic |
42 | الكَرِيمُ (Al-Karim) | उदार (Udar) | The Generous | The Most Generous |
43 | الرَّقِيبُ (Ar-Raqib) | निगरानी रखने वाला (Nigrani Rakhne Wala) | The Watchful | The Watchful |
44 | المُجِيبُ (Al-Mujib) | जवाब देने वाला (Jawab Dene Wala) | The Responsive | The Responder to Prayer |
45 | الوَاسِعُ (Al-Wasi’) | व्यापक (Vyaapak) | The All-Encompassing | The All-Pervading |
46 | الحَكِيمُ (Al-Hakim) | बुद्धिमान (Buddhiman) | The Wise | The Perfectly Wise |
47 | الوَدُودُ (Al-Wadud) | प्रेम करने वाला (Prem Karne Wala) | The Loving | The Most Loving |
48 | المَجِيدُ (Al-Majid) | महिमामय (Mahimamay) | The Glorious | The Glorious, The Most Honorable |
49 | البَاعِثُ (Al-Ba’ith) | पुनर्जीवित करने वाला (Punarjivit Karne Wala) | The Resurrector | The Raiser of the Dead |
50 | الشَّهِيدُ (Ash-Shahid) | गवाह (Gawah) | The Witness | The All Observing Witnessing Everything |
Next 50 to 99
S.No | Arabic Name | Hindi Name | English Name | Meaning |
50 | الشَّهِيدُ (Ash-Shahid) | गवाह (Gawah) | The Witness | The All Observing Witnessing Everything |
51 | الحَقُّ (Al-Haqq) | सत्य (Satya) | The Absolute Truth | The Absolute Truth |
52 | الوَكِيلُ (Al-Wakil) | आश्रयदाता (Ashrayadata) | The Trustee | The Disposer of Affairs |
53 | القَوِيُ (Al-Qawiyy) | सबल (Sabal) | The All-Strong | The All-Strong, The Firm |
54 | المَتِينُ (Al-Matin) | अडिग (Adig) | The Firm | The Steadfast, The Firm |
55 | الوَلِيُّ (Al-Waliyy) | संरक्षक (Sanrakshak) | The Protecting Associate | The Protecting Associate |
56 | الْحَمِيدُ (Al-Hamid) | प्रशंसा (Prashamsa) | The Praiseworthy | The Praiseworthy, The All-Praiseworthy |
57 | المُحْصِي (Al-Muhsi) | गिनने वाला (Ginne Wala) | The All-Enumerating | The All-Enumerating, The All-Counting |
58 | المُبْدِئُ (Al-Mubdi’) | प्रारंभ करने वाला (Prarambh Karne Wala) | The Originator | The Originator |
59 | المعِيدُ (Al-Mu’id) | पुनः लौटाने वाला (Punah Lautane Wala) | The Restorer | The Restorer, The Reinstater |
60 | المُحْيِي (Al-Muhyi) | जीवन देने वाला (Jeevan Dene Wala) | The Giver of Life | The Giver of Life |
61 | المُمِيتُ (Al-Mumit) | मृत्यु देने वाला (Mrityu Dene Wala) | The Creator of Death | The Creator of Death |
62 | الحَيِّي (Al-Hayy) | जीवित (Jeevit) | The Ever-Living | The Ever-Living, The Sustainer of Life |
63 | القَيُّومُ (Al-Qayyum) | सबका पालन करने वाला (Sabka Palan Karne Wala) | The Sustainer | The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting |
64 | الوَاجِدُ (Al-Wajid) | उपस्थित (Upasthit) | The Perceiver | The Perceiver, The Finder |
65 | المَاجِدُ (Al-Majid) | महिमामय (Mahimamay) | The Illustrious | The Illustrious, The Magnificent |
66 | الواحِدُ (Al-Wahid) | एक (Ek) | The One | The One, The Only |
67 | الأَحَدُ (Al-Ahad) | अद्वितीय (Advitiy) | The Unique | The Unique, The Indivisible |
68 | الصَّمَدُ (As-Samad) | निर्भर (Nirbhar) | The Eternal | The Eternal, The Satisfier of Needs |
69 | القَادِرُ (Al-Qadir) | सक्षम (Saksham) | The Omnipotent | The Omnipotent, The Able |
70 | المُقْتَدِرُ (Al-Muqtadir) | समर्थ (Samarth) | The All-Determiner | The All-Powerful |
71 | المَقدِرُ (Al-Muqaddir) | सीमित करने वाला (Seemit Karne Wala) | The All-Powerful | The All-Determiner, The Finisher |
72 | اللَّطِيفُ (Al-Latif) | दयालु (Dayalu) | The Subtle One | The Subtle, The Most Gentle |
73 | الخَبِيرُ (Al-Khabir) | जानकार (Janakar) | The All-Aware | The All-Aware |
74 | الحَلِيمُ (Al-Halim) | सहनशील (Sahansheel) | The Forbearing | The Most Forbearing |
75 | العَظِيمُ (Al-‘Azim) | महान (Mahan) | The Magnificent | The Magnificent, The Great |
76 | الغَفُورُ (Al-Ghafur) | क्षमाशील (Kshamashil) | The Forgiver | The All-Forgiving |
77 | الشَّكُورُ (Ash-Shakur) | आभारी (Aabhari) | The Appreciative | The Most Grateful |
78 | العَلِيُّ (Al-‘Aliyy) | उच्चतम (Ucchatam) | The Most High | The Sublimely Exalted |
79 | الكَبِيرُ (Al-Kabir) | विशाल (Vishal) | The Most Great | The Most Great |
80 | الحَفِيظُ (Al-Hafiz) | रक्षक (Rakshak) | The Preserver | The Preserver |
81 | المُقيِت (Al-Muqit) | शक्ति देने वाला (Shakti Dene Wala) | The Sustainer | The Sustainer, The Nourisher |
82 | الحسِيبُ (Al-Hasib) | परिपूर्ण (Paripoorn) | The Reckoner | The Reckoner |
83 | الجَلِيلُ (Al-Jalil) | महान और सम्माननीय (Mahan Aur Sammanit) | The Majestic | The Majestic, The Glorious |
84 | الكَرِيمُ (Al-Karim) | उदार (Udar) | The Generous | The Most Generous |
85 | الرَّقِيبُ (Ar-Raqib) | निगरानी रखने वाला (Nigrani Rakhne Wala) | The Watchful | The Watchful |
86 | المُجِيبُ (Al-Mujib) | जवाब देने वाला (Jawab Dene Wala) | The Responsive | The Responder to Prayer |
87 | الوَاسِعُ (Al-Wasi’) | व्यापक (Vyaapak) | The All-Encompassing | The All-Pervading |
88 | الحَكِيمُ (Al-Hakim) | बुद्धिमान (Buddhiman) | The Wise | The Perfectly Wise |
89 | الوَدُودُ (Al-Wadud) | प्रेम करने वाला (Prem Karne Wala) | The Loving | The Most Loving |
90 | المَجِيدُ (Al-Majid) | महिमामय (Mahimamay) | The Glorious | The Glorious, The Most Honorable |
91 | البَاعِثُ (Al-Ba’ith) | पुनर्जीवित करने वाला (Punarjivit Karne Wala) | The Resurrector | The Raiser of the Dead |
92 | الشَّهِيدُ (Ash-Shahid) | गवाह (Gawah) | The Witness | The Witness, The Observer of All |
93 | الحَقُّ (Al-Haqq) | सत्य (Satya) | The Absolute Truth | The Absolute Truth |
94 | الوَكِيلُ (Al-Wakil) | आश्रयदाता (Ashrayadata) | The Trustee | The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs |
95 | القَوِيُ (Al-Qawiyy) | सबल (Sabal) | The All-Strong | The Most Strong |
96 | المَتِينُ (Al-Matin) | अडिग (Adig) | The Firm | The Firm, The Steadfast |
97 | الوَلِيُّ (Al-Waliyy) | संरक्षक (Sanrakshak) | The Protecting Associate | The Protecting Associate |
98 | الْحَمِيدُ (Al-Hamid) | प्रशंसा (Prashamsa) | The Praiseworthy | The Praiseworthy, The All-Praiseworthy |
99 | المُحْصِي (Al-Muhsi) | गिनने वाला (Ginne Wala) | The All-Enumerating | The All-Enumerating, The All-Counting |
99 Names of Allah pdf Download
1. The 99 Names of Allah in English and Arabic with Meaning
Below is a list of the 99 Names of Allah in Arabic along with their English meanings:
- الرَّحْمَنُ (Ar-Rahman) – The Most Compassionate
- الرَّحِيمُ (Ar-Raheem) – The Most Merciful
- المَلِكُ (Al-Malik) – The King, The Sovereign
- القُدُّوسُ (Al-Quddus) – The Most Sacred
- السَّلَامُ (As-Salam) – The Source of Peace
- المُؤْمِنُ (Al-Mu’min) – The Guardian of Faith
- المُهَيْمِنُ (Al-Muhaymin) – The Protector
- العَزِيزُ (Al-Aziz) – The Almighty
- الجَبَّارُ (Al-Jabbar) – The Compeller
- المُتَكَبِّرُ (Al-Mutakabbir) – The Majestic
… and the list continues until the 99th name.
2. 99 Names of Allah with Meaning in English and Benefits
Each of the 99 Names of Allah carries spiritual benefits:
- الرَّزَّاقُ (Ar-Razzaq) – The Provider: Reciting this name is believed to attract sustenance and provision from Allah.
- الشَّافِي (Ash-Shafi) – The Healer: Invoking this name is said to bring health and cure illness.
- الغَفُورُ (Al-Ghafur) – The Forgiving: Regular recitation helps in seeking forgiveness from Allah.
You can explore the meanings and the benefits of all 99 names in your daily prayers or dhikr to experience a closer connection with Allah.
3. 99 Names of Allah in Arabic and Hindi
Here is a selection of the 99 Names of Allah in Hindi and their Arabic counterparts:
- الرَّحْمَنُ (Ar-Rahman) – रहमान
- الرَّحِيمُ (Ar-Raheem) – रहीम
- المَلِكُ (Al-Malik) – मालिक
- القُدُّوسُ (Al-Quddus) – पवित्र
- السَّلَامُ (As-Salam) – सलाम
Reciting these names in Arabic brings deeper reverence, while understanding their meanings in Hindi provides clarity and inspiration.
4. 99 Names of Allah PDF Download
For easy access, you can download the 99 Names of Allah PDF, which includes their meanings and benefits. This is a handy resource for daily use, enabling you to learn and memorize the names more efficiently.
This PDF contains all names in Arabic, English, and Hindi for your convenience.
5. 99 Names of Allah Calligraphy and Wallpaper
If you’re looking to decorate your home with divine art, there are beautiful 99 Names of Allah Calligraphy designs available. These designs offer a powerful reminder of Allah’s greatness and can be downloaded as high-quality wallpapers for your desktop or phone.
Using calligraphy of the 99 Names of Allah in your home or on your devices keeps these divine attributes always within sight, enhancing spirituality.
6. 99 Names of Allah MP3 Download
To help with memorization, you can listen to an MP3 recitation of the 99 Names of Allah. Listening to these names repeatedly helps engrain them in your heart and mind.
Listening to the 99 Names of Allah in MP3 format is also a soothing way to meditate and focus on Allah’s attributes.
7. 99 Names of Allah in Tamil
For Tamil-speaking audiences, the 99 Names of Allah in Tamil offer an easy way to understand and connect with these divine attributes. Here’s a sample:
- அர்ரஹ்மான் (Ar-Rahman) – The Most Merciful
- அர்ரஹீம் (Ar-Raheem) – The Most Compassionate
- அல்-மாலிக் (Al-Malik) – The Sovereign
Learning the 99 Names of Allah in Tamil provides deeper insight for Tamil-speaking Muslims seeking to memorize these names.
8. Asma ul Husna: The 99 Names of Allah in Hindi
Asma ul Husna is the term used for the 99 Names of Allah. The list below provides the names in Hindi for better understanding:
- रहमान – The Beneficent
- रहीम – The Merciful
- मालिक – The King
Reciting the Asma ul Husna daily brings peace and blessings into one’s life.
Conclusion: The Power of the 99 Names of Allah
Incorporating the 99 Names of Allah into your daily prayers can significantly enhance your spirituality. Whether you recite them in English, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, or download them in PDF or MP3 format, the impact remains profound. Each name offers a unique way to praise and connect with Allah, reminding you of His infinite power, mercy, and wisdom.
Learn More – Safar ki Dua, Dua e Masura, Istekhara dua, Dua Qunoot, Ghusl ki dua, Roza rakhne ki, Azan ke baad ki dua, Masjid me Dakhil hone ki dua, Masjid se bahar jane ki dua , sone ki dua, soke uthne ki dua , Nazar se bachne ki dua, Wazu ki dua , Islamic Ringtone, Allah se Mangne ki dua, Hajj 2025