Zakat (زکوة) is one of the five pillars of Islam and is a mandatory donation of a portion of a Muslim’s wealth to charity. It is considered a form of worship and is designed to help those in need within the Muslim community. If a person Has the Amount of 52.5gms of Silver , Gold and cash in Total then Zakat is mandatory. Like for India in 2024
In your example, you mentioned that a person has 52.5 grams of silver (equivalent to about 1 tola) along with gold and cash. The Nisab in terms of silver is around 612.36 grams (52.5 tola), which is significantly more than 52.5 grams, so in this case, the amount of silver alone would not meet the Nisab threshold for Zakat.
Means If silver rate today is 60 the 60 * 612.36 = 36741.6Rs then Zakat is mandatory
However, if the total combined value of the gold, silver, and cash exceeds the Nisab value (based on current market prices of gold and silver), then Zakat will be obligatory. You would need to calculate the combined value of all these assets to determine whether the Nisab threshold is met.
Zakat Calculation:
- Determine the total value of gold, silver, and cash (use current market rates).
- If the total value exceeds the Nisab (based on either gold or silver), then Zakat is due.
- Zakat is typically calculated at 2.5% of the total wealth.
For example, if the total value of the person’s wealth (gold + silver + cash) exceeds the Nisab threshold, then they are obligated to pay Zakat at the rate of 2.5%.
इस्लाम का तीसरा महत्वपूर्ण रुक्न: ज़कात
ज़कात, इस्लाम के पांचों रुकनों में से तीसरा रुक्न है और यह हर मुसलमान पर उसके संपत्ति के हिसाब से فرض है। जैसा कि हदीस में आया है कि “उस व्यक्ति की कोई नमाज़ नहीं, जो ज़कात नहीं देता”. यह ज़रूरी है कि संपत्ति पर एक साल बीतने के बाद ज़कात अदा की जाए, जो एक निश्चित प्रतिशत (2.5%) होता है।
What is Zakat?
Zakat is an Arabic word meaning “giving to charity” or “giving to the needy.” It is an obligatory act for Muslims who meet certain criteria and serves as a means of purifying wealth. Zakat is one of the fundamental practices of Islam, emphasizing social justice and support for those less fortunate.
Who is Eligible for Zakat?
Muslims who possess wealth above a minimum threshold, known as the Nisab, are required to pay Zakat. The Nisab is typically equivalent to the current value of 3 ounces of gold. Muslims who meet or exceed this wealth requirement are obliged to pay 2.5% of their liquid assets as Zakat once a year.
- Learn more about Zakat eligibility: Who is eligible for Zakat
ज़कात अदा न करने का गुनाह
जो व्यक्ति ज़कात नहीं अदा करता, वह गुनाहगार होता है। आजकल, दुनिया में क़हत और गरीबी का एक बड़ा कारण यह हो सकता है कि लोग ज़कात को पूरी तरह से अदा नहीं करते। इससे समाज में आर्थिक असमानता बढ़ती है।
Zakat Calculator
A Zakat Calculator can help you determine how much Zakat you owe based on your wealth and the current Nisab value. This tool is essential for ensuring that you pay the correct amount of Zakat.
- Use an online Zakat Calculator: Zakat Calculator
Zakat Rules
The rules of Zakat specify that it is due once a lunar year has passed since the wealth reached the Nisab. Zakat must be given in specific forms and can only be distributed to designated recipients, including the poor, travelers, and those in need.
- Zakat Rules in Detail: Zakat Rules
Zakat in Arabic
The word Zakat (زکوة) is derived from Arabic, signifying “purification” or “growth.” Paying Zakat purifies a person’s wealth and soul, contributing to both personal and communal growth in Islam.
- Zakat in Arabic: Arabic Zakat
ज़कात की फ़र्ज़ियत और अहमियत
ज़कात न केवल एक आर्थिक कर्तव्य है, बल्कि यह एक धार्मिक जिम्मेदारी भी है। यह आपके माल को साफ़ करती है और गुनाहों से बचाती है। ज़कात के 8 मुख्य مصرف हैं, और इन्हें छोड़कर कहीं भी ज़कात दी नहीं जा सकती।
ज़कात के असल हक़दार
ज़कात के हक़दार केवल वे लोग होते हैं जो गरीब, म़ज़लूम और जरूरतमंद होते हैं। कुरान में साफ़ तौर पर बताया गया है कि ज़कात का पैसा उन्हीं लोगों को दिया जाएगा, जो इन वर्गों में आते हैं। ज़कात के वास्तविक हक़दारों में गरीब, यतीम, मुहताज, और वे लोग शामिल हैं जो जकात इकट्ठा करने में कार्यरत हैं।
Zakat in English
Zakat, though originally an Arabic term, is also discussed in detail in English to reach Muslims across the globe. Understanding Zakat in English ensures that the message of giving to charity and supporting those in need resonates universally.
- Read about Zakat in English: Zakat in English
Zakat Tax
Zakat should not be confused with a tax. Unlike taxes, which are imposed by governments, Zakat is a religious obligation for Muslims. Zakat helps to purify wealth and contributes to social justice by supporting those in need.
- Learn about Zakat vs. Tax: Zakat vs Tax
When is Zakat Paid?
Zakat is paid once a year after a lunar year has passed since the wealth surpassed the Nisab. It is commonly given during the month of Ramadan or during the Hajj pilgrimage.
- When to pay Zakat: Zakat Payment Timeline
Who Receives Zakat?
Zakat is given to several groups, including the poor, needy, orphans, travelers, and those in debt. It is intended to ensure that wealth circulates throughout society and that the less fortunate are supported.
- Learn about Zakat recipients: Who Receives Zakat
Zakat is a Mandatory Donation
Zakat is a key aspect of Islamic finance and is one of the five pillars of Islam, ranking after prayer (Salat) in its importance. It is a means of purifying one’s wealth and promoting social equality.
- Zakat: A Mandatory Obligation: Zakat in Islam
ज़कात के 8 प्रमुख मसलफ
कुरान में ज़कात के लिए 8 प्रमुख मसलफ (उद्देश्य) बताए गए हैं:
- गरीब (Faqir)
- मिसकीन (Miskeen)
- ज़कात इकट्ठा करने वाले
- नफली तौर पर ज़कात देने वाले
- ग़रीबी का शिकार लोग
- ऋणग्रस्त व्यक्ति
- मुसाफिर (यात्रियों का खर्च)
- गुलामी से मुक्त व्यक्ति
इनके अलावा ज़कात का पैसा किसी और जगह खर्च नहीं किया जा सकता है।